Frequently Asked Question

XXII. What happens if my client no-shows?
Last Updated 3 years ago

Modus will always attempt to confirm each Modus ride with the client via text and/or phone call. If a client does not confirm their ride through multiple attempts by Modus, Modus will cancel the trip on the client's behalf. Modus will then notify the client and the provider of the cancellation.

If a client has 2 or more no-shows, then the client will be placed on suspension and will need to contact Modus to discuss the possibility of reinstating services. Modus will notify the client and the provider of the suspension. Too many no-shows can lead to loss of services for the client.

A no-show occurs when any of the following occur: 

      • A Modus client confirms their ride, but later cancels their trip after a driver has been dispatched. 
      • The driver is unable to locate the client and the client fails to respond to the driver's calls and/or texts within 10 minutes after the driver arrives at the pick-up location. 

A first no-show will serve as a warning to the client. A second no-show will result in temporary suspension. Your client must then call Modus to speak with the Program Coordinator. After speaking with the Program Coordinator, they will be placed on a 90-day probationary period. Modus rides can continue as long as a client doesn't no-show during the period. If a no-show does occur during the probationary period then your client may be suspended indefinitely or for an extended period of time.

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